Friday, March 20, 2015

Another week over

Another week, (Week 33 of the academic calendar) over and the students are well underway with their final summative projects.  A blended approach combining reading evaluation, report writing and presentation have been well received by the students and the report focus (career) will serve well for long term planning.

The Solar Eclipse today certainly impacted on the first class of the day and productivity was shelved for indirect viewing of the first solar eclipse of the century. Although it was slightly anti-climatic, it was good to interact with my group outside of the classroom as the whole college seemed to embark on the south side of the building.  All manner of methods being implemented to watch the show. 

Next week there will be a heavy influence on researching skills as I take my students through effective search strategies and assessing how current, appropriate, and biased web pages are for their reports.

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